Project Management Software Reviews

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Choosing the right project management tool is an essential step for your business. The right software can help you stay productive and organized, and the wrong software can leave you in a cluttered mess. Lucky for you, the Less Annoying Software team has tested out tons of different project management apps, and we're sharing our results. You can find a list of our reviews below:

Note: This page is a work in progress. We will update it with more reviews as we complete them. If you have any suggestions for products that you'd like us to review, please let us know.

Individual Reviews:

Here's a list of reviews for all of the different products we've tried:

Trello Review - Trello is a dead-simple tool that lays out your entire project on the screen at once so it's easy to understand where you're at. It's great for high-level project management, but it doesn't handle the low-level stuff very well, so it isn't a complete solution.

More reviews coming soon...

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