Canvass: a new integration for video interviews

A new integration with a video interview tool to simplify your recruiting workflow.
Updated on:

Canvass is an applicant tracking tool designed to let you invite applicants to a video interview, and then manage the recorded interviews for each position you're recruiting for.

This integration with Less Annoying CRM will seamlessly (and automatically!) move your candidates along an Interview pipeline so that you can always see who has been invited to an interview, and who has completed their interview.

In addition, creating an interview with Canvass and connecting it with LACRM means that once you move someone to the "Invited" stage of your interview pipeline, Canvass will automatically send an email to your candidate that allows them to record their responses to your interview questions. See detailed setup instructions here.

Every new Canvass account also starts with 3 free interview credits, and you can choose between multiple pricing options depending on how frequently you go through the recruiting process. See Canvass' pricing information here.

All that to say: using Canvass with LACRM will mean…

✔️ Attaching a pipeline to an LACRM contact will automatically send them an email inviting them to a video interview;

✔️ When a candidate completes a video interview, they will be automatically moved to the "Responded" status of your pipeline;

🎉 No more having to manually keep track of who you've invited to video interviews!

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